Our History
Stockmens National Bank in Cotulla was chartered in 1904 and has operated continuously in La Salle County since its inception. The Bank was founded by L.A. Kerr, C.C. Thomas, G.W. Henrichson, George Copp, and T.R. Keck. In 1934, the Bank was reorganized and the name changed from Stockmens National Bank of Cotulla to Stockmens National Bank in Cotulla. In 1980, the Bank was purchased by Belton Kleberg Johnson. He maintained 64% ownership until February 1993. At that time Mr. Johnson sold his entire stock ownership to C.T. Huddleston, W.L. Cotulla, A.J. Lewis, III, D.W. Kinsel, III, and John H. Northcut. Additional stock was sold in May 1993 to pay the debenture debt in full. The above listed stockholders and/or their immediate families own 94% of the Bank. The majority of the stock is once again owned by La Salle County residents. Mr. C.T. Huddleston passed away in January 1994 and his family has retained his stock ownership. Mr. W.P. Cotulla passed away November 1995, after serving 50 years as a Director and his family has retained his stock ownership.
The present building is the third in the history of the Bank. It began operation in 1904 in a building on the corner of Front and Center Streets which is now occupied by A & A Auto Parts. The Bank was operated out of that building until 1913. From 1913 until 1951 the bank operated out of a building on Front Street. In June of 1951 the new Bank building was completed where the Bank now operates. This building has been remodeled twice to date. The original building at this site was a one story red brick building. Construction was completed for a new Motor Bank that accommodates three lanes of traffic in 1998. The motor bank added a fourth lane in 1999.